
        How I Spent My Summer Vacation ❤️

Summer vacation is a kind of annual events for the students where every one excitingly waits for it. The break gives us the opportunity to do the things which we can't do during our schooling days. One thing I enjoy during every summer vacation is that we do not have to wake up early hearing the ending alarm.

This year summer vacation was memorable one for me.Soon after the exam, my friend and I have agreed to ask money from our parents to celebrate vacation. As planned, we were able to get support of our parents and able to go to town and enjoy with lots of edible from the money we had. We had also visited one of the famous place called "Kaja Throm."

The next day I started babysitting my cousin and spent most of my time with him during the week days and in the weekends I didn't have to babysit him.My mom got back to her work and did her routine works while I babysit my cousin. I would take my cousin outside and play with with him and sometimes I will show him his favourite show on YouTube.

As the days passed we got a message from our class forum declaring that we will get another 2 weeks and 2 days of and we were told to join the school on 25th August and I  started calling my friend Diya  over to my house and she also helped me baby sit my cousin. During the evening we went for walk in different places just refresh ourselves.

In one of the weekend my family and I went on a picnic at botanical garden. We ate pizza and drumstick as our launch.After sometime my aunt brought a some ice cream.My family and I went on a walk and reached in the view point.

We want back and I reached out to my phone and started taking pictures. It was already evening by the times so. we headed back to our home as I stayed late up in the night, in the morning I have to wake up before 8:30 a.m. to look after my cousin which was quite exhausting however his cut smile would keep me awake and interested to play with him.

As the day passed I did my usual work and I remember that I had to write book review and an essay but I kept forgetting about it as I had  to watch after my cousin.After few days I start to writing book review and the essay after sometime ,I was done with those works and also I started to prepare myself for returning to school from this summer vacation.

   (A Glimpse Of My Summer Vacation :) )

                          Thank you.

The Most Memorable Day Of My Life💤✨

Do you want to dream to become true? actually I wish to if my dream was true. It was on a sunny day which I went to school with my friends and did my last exam and got one week vacation. After one week of vacation it was finally told that the school will resume. I was in a hurry to join School since I had miss my friends.

After joining the school the results were being told in the assembly and as I was clapping for the ones who got the position and unexpectly my name was being told in the assembly and I got first from my class and got many certificates for getting 90% in some of the subjects. I felt like I was the happiest student in the world.

My friends congratulated  me and some of my friends gave me gifts and as a thank you to them I gave them treats. When I got home I told my parents about what has happened and I shown them the certificates and they were thrilled and they instantly bought me a new phone which was iPhone and a cycle.

My mom told our family that I got first and topped many subjects. After a while my family visited our home and they also brought a cake of butterscotch flavour which is my favourite flavour and also on top of the cake there was written "well done" .They also got me a gift and when I opened it was a pet dog and the dog  was a Golden retrieve

The next day my mom took me and my family on a picnic in botanical garden in babesa. There was junks and lunch containing different types of delicious curries. After we got home I changed my dress and set down for dinner and as I was watching television my mum came with a bucket of water on her hand and threw it all over me. Suddenly I woke up and it was all a dream! :(

    Thank You.