About Me

Kuzuzangpo la! My name is Kinzang Rigsel Lhaden but I like being called Rigsel. Usually my friends call me with many different names as a nickname. I am from Pema Gatshel and was raised in Thimphu. I have a elder brother who is currently studying in Lungtenzampa Middle Secondary School in grade 10. My father works in a private job and his name is Tenzin. My mother's name is Ugyen Zangmo and is a house wife.

My DOB is 8/3/2009 which means I m 14 years old. Till grade PP-3 I studied at Kuensel Phodrang Primary School then I studied in Chang Rigphel Primary School till 6 and was send to Loselling Middle Secondary School and I am currently studying in grade 8 in section 'B'. For now I don't have any ambition and my goal is to pass grade 8 this year 2023. My hobby is to scribble/doodle around the books. Everyone tells me that i look cute and mean but my male friends always teases me for being short but I do not get offended by those things.

I have alot of friends but I usually don't talk with them since I have nothing to talk about and I am not a good conversation starter.I have 1 close friend and her name is Diya Tamang and we have 1 thing in common, our birth date are same! We study in the same grade in the same school.We have so much attachment.I also have a adopted brother from the school, we also have something in common and that's our name. We share one of the same name 'Rigsel'.I am mostly attached to my male friends then my girl friends. 

I am someone who's always moody but I am happy that I have friends who understands me. I like listening to music alot and playing games. I also like to go on evening walks with friends and most of all I love spending my time doing something productive. I love watching vlogs alot. I am being loved and cared by my  family and friends alot since I am the youngest. I am hoping that someday I can be useful and make my parents proud of me. 🤍